Want to Lose Weight??
Render Diets Irrelevant Using the right Psychology
Why Hypnotherapy Works for Weight Loss

Why do you want to lose weight?? Maybe health, for more energy, to feel
better about yourself, or even to have a more options in clothes
No matter what your reasons for wanting to lose weight:
==This is for you===.
my practice I see many clients who have tried every diet under the sun
and some have even actually had the Gastric Band Operation, they've lost
lots of weight sometimes many times but then put all and more back on
Why is This ??
Well even with the actual Gastric
Band Surgery (which clients have overcome by liquidizing food) the
reasons why most people overeat haven't been addressed and because the
subconscious mind is so much more powerful than "willpower" it overrides
the conscious " willpower" and overeating starts again.
you have discovered the healthy way to make the change that takes you to
your permanent healthy weight. This is the day that diets of the past
become a thing of the past and you can actually take control of how and
what you eat.
This is the day that you can finally change your life and take control.
Hypnosis and weight loss - how it works
Hypnosis works because it works on the level of feelings, patterns, and unconscious motivations. It's much better when we
feel we want to eat healthily rather than just
that we should. Used well, hypnosis will help people naturally feel
like making the right choices. This doesn't mean that someone who's had
hypnotherapy for weight loss will never have to use their willpower, but
it does mean they'll feel better able to use it.
Some hypnotic approaches for weight loss which ones will work best for you?
When helping people to lose weight using hypnotherapy, I use a number of approaches, including:
- Using hypnosis to maximize motivation to eat well.
- Using
hypnosis to encourage an increase in fat-burning metabolism. And I
might suggest that at a certain time each day, their legs will become
very restless and "let them know" it's time to exercise; just like a dog
wanting its walk badgering its owner.
- Using metaphor, such as
describing a sculptor working bit by bit with a shapeless rock to "find"
the "real form" in the rock - and, having found it, discarding all the
needless rock.
- Suggesting the person envisage seeing themselves
in a fat suit and what it's going to be like to feel so relieved to
begin to discard one layer at a time and to inhabit their "real body".
- Suggesting, though, that they don't mainly focus on weight, but rather on fitness and health.
- Distinguishing between "fake food" (processed carbs, sugars, chemically altered stuff) and "real food".
- Using
disassociation by talking about the body having its own "needs" and the
unconscious mind working with the body "regardless of the habits of the
conscious mind" to eat healthily.
- Using a hypnotic journey
metaphor and suggesting that at each stage of the journey, they can
notice how the pressure on their feet feels lighter, how their body
feels better, what clothes they are now wearing.
- Using
disassociation to enable them to see themselves in the future looking
slimmer, eating well, and exercising in the right ways.
- Using
'age progression' to take them into the future where they've become
slimmer and suggesting they "remember" exactly how that's happened.
How I can help you personally
If you'd like some extra help around Why Hypnotherapy Works for Weight Loss I provide either individual sessions or group sessions to help you permanently easliy and naturally lose weight.
Call on on the new number 993 55901 or email info@counselling-malta.com
Please click on the links below to find out what else Hypnotherapy can help you with?
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